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A new Marquee at The Majestic Theater on Broadway

Photo Credit: Walter McBride

The lights of Broadway draw millions of people to New York’s theater district every year.

The Phantom of the Opera won over 70 major theatre awards including: 3 Olivier Awards, an Evening Standard Award, 7 Tony Awards including Best Musical, 7 Drama Desk Awards and 5 Outer Critic Circle Awards.

Over 400 actors have appeared in the New York production but, only 15 actors have been cast as The Phantom on Broadway. Michael Crawford, Timothy Nolan, Chris Groenendaal, Steve Barton, Kevin Gray, Mark Jacoby, Marcus Lovett, Davis Gaines, James O’Leary, Hugh Panaro, Howard McGillin, John Cudia, Peter Jöback, Norm Lewis, James Barbour. James Barbour celebrated the 12,000 performance, the 29th Anniversary and he is the only actor who became the face at the marquee of the Majestic Theatre.

New Art Marquee installation for the Broadway production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'The Phantom of the Opera' starring James Barbour as The Phantom at the Majestic Theatre on July 8, 2016 in New York City.

Photo Coverage: BWW - Photo Credit: Walter McBride / James Barbour Facebook.

James Barbour face as the Phantom on a pancaque.

James Barbour face as the Phantom on a cup of coffee

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